We devote a lot of time to looking for a woman who has all the desired instincts, the Goddess we want to put in a bottle.

We discovered the process of transmitting female essence by isolating lactic acid bacteria from Yoni of sensuous women – Paulina (brunette), Monica (blonde), Patricia (blonde).

An essential part of this process is to ensure the safety of our product. During isolation, the material is tested for the absence of other bacteria and viruses. These procedures prevent other bacteria and viruses from surviving, thus allowing the growth of only Lactobacillus bacteria. Once again, in terms of certainty and safety, a final test of the propagated lyophilised bacteria is carried out before use in the preparation of the material. Lyophilized bacteria are tested for the presence of foreign DNA and / or RNA. This ensures that only Lactobacillus bacteria are used, and it is completely safe and healthy.

The gynaecologist collects a vaginal smear from the models. These smears are taken to a laboratory where bacteria are isolated, cleaned, then analysed and multiplied. At the end of the process, the bacteria are used to produce the pure lactic acid that goes into Yoni beer.