Yoni beer, the sacrament of the Order of Yoni, is full of divine aspects, femininity, sensuality, charm, passion and sexuality due to the usage of vaginal lactobacillus of Great Goddess’ Angels in the brewing process.

Imagine an extremely sensual image of femininity, which has often appeared in the wildest of fantasies. You are fascinated by her captivating outward appearance, her passion and coquettish movements. Admiration reaches its apogee, and the desire to satisfy the senses with its charm increases. Reach out for a bottle filled with a golden beverage replete with female essence, give yourself up to your instincts and enjoy the intimacy of an extraordinary model. You deserve to stimulate your mind and enhance your taste sensations.
The Order of Yoni is a sensual experience in the form of a beer enclosed in a bottle, obtaining its unusual flavour notes through the use of champagne yeast, wheat malts, and exclusive additives in the form of orange peel, coriander and aframomum. The composition is enhanced with the use of lactic acid from vaginal bacteria to bring pleasure to every sip.

The Patricia Beer – Bottled Beauty – wheat ale brewed on champagne yeast. An arc for the Essence of Patricia, which together with coriander and orange peel is a real feast for the palate. Beer in the style of Witbier de Champagne, with 11.5 ° Plato extract, 5.8% alcohol content. 330ml.
The Monika Beer – Bottled Desire – pale champagne wheat beer containing the Essence of Monica. This Essence, together with bitter orange peel, coriander, and champagne yeast is an exceptional symphony of flavour. Beer in the style of Witbier de Champagne, with 11.5 ° Plato extract, 5.8% alcohol content. 330ml.